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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Confined to Canada 2 (Dashing thru the snow)

When to push your truck
(see the TomTom readout bottom right)

When not to push your luck

And when to just knock it on the head
(shut down)

The sun can glare off the icey road

2148 is a dirty little minx

Well it happened..............

tomorrow was another day
i got my load and headed on East. The road conditions were pretty horrendous, i took a few photos to emphasise what it takes to drive a "Big Rig"over here, summer driving is a breeze, its when the elements are at work against you that you suddenly realise what makes Highway Drivers so proud of thier skills and experience.

Imagine hurtling thru the mountains at full throttle, fully freighted and driving on ice and compacted snow. Its about knowing when and where to push your truck and when and where not to push your luck.

Driving in these conditions is very tiring, on top of all the usual things you have to think about while driving a truck, you are literally driving by the seat of your pants, feeling for the slightest twitch on any of the axles, monitoring the snow or ice you are driving on, one eye on the external temperature guage, looking into bends for the telltale shaddow that warns of black ice, seeing what trucks and autos are doing around you. Obvious signs like a truck in a ditch cold tell you that maybe you might want to think about feathering those brakes before you hit the curve.

Oh yes i almost forgot, i ve been here 18 months and up until this trip ive never seen a moose. Well on this little jaunt i saw 2 mooses (is that the correct word) one looked a bit weired though as it didnt have a rack, i thought all mooses had those coat hook things on their heads, unless it only wears them for special occaisons and tourists.


  1. I notice you take a lot of photos while you are driving. Do you really think think that is very safe and professional? You are sharing the road with me and taking pictures in bad road conditions certainly is not safe to me.

  2. If you have ever consumed a beverage, used a cell phone, ate something, chatted to a passenger or even picked your nose while in control of a vehicle then you cannot say that you are fully in control of the vehicle.

    If you say that you have never done any of the above then you sir/madam are a liar.

    if you have done any of the above then you critisize me, that makes you a hypocrit.

    So what do we have here, a hypocrit or a liar ???
