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Friday, April 25, 2008

3045 & Jason

Well I was just backing under a trailer in the Calgary yard this afternoon and guess who I saw sauntering around the corner. She looked chuffed to bits with her new driver Jason.

I waved them down a jogged over to say hello and to make sure everything was okay when he took her over. Jason tells me he's been driving for H&R off and on for about 10 years.

Safe Journeys both of you.


  1. Hi lyndon.
    Finally caught up (been reading half a dozen other blogs at same time).

  2. Come on Mick, try to keep up LOL

  3. Ahhh ole 3045, we both know he is getting a "special" truck, special add ons eh? lol

  4. Hi there,
    don't worry, he will take good care of her:)
    What a great blog and what a great pic of my Sweetie, thank you.
    Be safe on these roads.

  5. Hi Lyndon,

    May I please post this pic of Jay and his new Truck on my space at windows live? I will make a not that you took it:)
    BTW, this new pic "cruisin with style" is so funny, lmao. I knew them new trucks are comfortable...


  6. hi lyndon; Jason hee, just wantedto say thanks for such a sweet ride.....this is one of the best h & r trucks i have ever stepped foot into...she is treating me very well....not seeing nearly the amoujnt of the country side she is used to though but she seems to be enjoying running the rock pile

    safe journeys

    Jason & 3045
