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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Saving on energy Costs

Hey if it saves money then count me in...............

There is no run for me today so its a day at home, but what does a trucker do when he is stuck at home for an extra day waiting for a load out, on a nice balmy day in Southern Alberta.

He fires up and tests out the wood burning stove that was in the downstairs den when we bought the house.

Now bearing in mind this is 2008 and up until we emigrated we were townies, all we knew about heating the house was switching a switch and paying the bill at the end of the month, when we bought the house we thought "Yes thats quaint", stick some ornaments on it and it will look nice.........

Anyway after driving passed a sign in Lethbridge yesterday that was offering free firewood. That was it, our heating costs trippled during the Winter last year and everyone loves a real fire, so this morning armed with an arm full of free wood, a box of cook's matches, 2 newspapers and a pair of gormless grins, Jan and I prepaired the fire, tossed in the match.......... and WOW.

It is fantastic and actually controllable (roll on the Winter), so this afternoon we are off out around Raymond to start colecting firewood, ive even got a place put aside behind the garage to store the wood.

By the way we had to come back upstairs now coz its too bloody hot down there...........


  1. gormless grins <--- Had to look it up

    As so under the heading learning something new everyday......

    gorm·less :
    chiefly British : lacking intelligence : stupid

    Not often I run into words I don't know so this was kool.

    Bookerz out
