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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Take only pictures, leave only footprints

I love driving thru Ontario but one thing spoils it, the grafitti on the rocks, why in God's name would anyone want to spoil such a beautiful landscape in their own country.

What i want to show in these pictures is Man's evolution, this is what we call progress.

man has left his mark to identify his territory ever since the day when a caveman called UG discovered that if he shoved his finger up his nose and rumaged around long enough, he would collect enough materials to wipe on the cave wall and stake his territory.

Throughout history people have left signs for others to read long after they have gone, some usefull and some not so useful.
The Inuit nations (you may know them as Eskimos) used to leave little piles of stones in the shape of a person to give directions to others who travel after them. You still see them along the highways and they do look quaint, mostly done these days by vacationers and more often done for fun.

Apparently there is a slightler newer tribe called the idiots who tend to use paint to leave their individual mark that informs us that Clay loves Kristy, and Christina is gay. Not so useful information but unfortunately more permenant.

The photos were taken somewhere between Thunder bay and Dryden in Ontario.


  1. Lyndon, great commentary and shots. I am originally from back east, Ottawa to be exact and most of my miles have been Eastern Seaboard.

    I can totally relate to your comments. This is especially a great time of year back east.

    Congrats on surviving the Bronx.


  2. In Spanish we say something like:"It´s smarter to make a sh*t in the forest than to mark a tree",I absolutely agree with your post...

    Nice pics,and good review of the dirty side.

  3. Thanks Al

    Both Ontario and Quebec are beautiful at this time of year, its practically identical to New England.

  4. Javi

    Spanish is both a beautiful and poetic language.

    That is worthy of being noted as a classic quote.

    By he way you are allowed to say the word "shit" on my blog, we are all open minded here 8-)

  5. Hahaha,ok,thanks!

    I guess the NYers thought that you are australian because of your Paul Hogan´s look,you were with the hat,didn´t you?

    Take care,Lyndon!

    See u around!
