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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Vegitating In Vernon

Hello Folks

Yesterday i made my delivery in Tracy and headed south towards Los Angeles. Now parking spaces in LA are like nuns at a disco.

Vary rarely seen and difficult to get into, and if you do manage to get into one then you know you sholuldnt really be there anyway.

So with that in mind i decided to stay a Castaic as i had to fuel up at the pilot anyway, so the Pilot was full, the Shell over the road was full, it just left the Country Girl Salloon dirt parking lot.

Well i thought, here goes nothing, so in i goes, found a spot (bit of dirt) backed in and went to find where to get the ticket.

The tickets are bought in the salloon so in i went, expecting to see card playing cowboys, a bowler hatted drunk playing a piano and as i step in, everything to go quiet, the piano player stop mid tune and everyone stare in my direction. I even had my ice breaking line worked out.

"Ah've come for mah paw, kin someone point me in the dahh-rection of the low down cotton pickin' sherriffs office"

But no, it was a bit of a rough dive but the lady behind the counter was polite enough although her atire was very informal to say the least, she actually doubled the amount of clothes she was wearing when she served me my ticket, she put her spectacles on.

More to follow....................................


  1. You're a braver man than me I guess, I would have taken my chances parking on the street in Vernon. The McDonald's has truck parking at Bandini and Soto down there by the way in case you need a Happy Meal.

  2. I came to America to see the sights......

    And believe me, in the saloon you definitely saw them.....
