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Friday, February 1, 2008

No backload from Des Moines

Well i didnt get my backload from Des Moines after all, next morning i got a macro saying there was a load out of Darien in Wisconsin but it was for the following day. I wasnt too pleased but 10 minutes later there was another message saying they would load me when i got there as a "Work In", that was better news.

3045 and i charged across Iowa into Ilinois and did a 90 degree-er up into Wisconsin to get these Kraft Pizzas. We stopped a couple of times to get photos of the info boards and to grab cinnemon coffee.

We arrived at the cold store and after about an hours wait we were called onto a door, door 6 it was if anyone was interested. Anyway i backed on and walked down the side of the trailer to make sure all was okay, walked over some ice and went flat on my ass............. great, at least no-one saw me.

It was absolutely freezing so at least it didnt hurt when i went over, i was too numb with cold. Anyway, after i was loaded i was so hacked off i just drove round to the nearest J which was South Beloit just outside Chicago and pulled the curtains. Now that night was cold, proberbly colder than Winnipeg, just check out the ice on the inside of the glass the following morning.

So next morning we drove to Fargo in North Dakota and parked at the J there, had another message on the sattelite saying Happy Birthday, go have a nice meal and put the reciept in the envelope. I thought that was really nice, i could never see any of the companies i worked for in UK doing that.


  1. Happy Birthday Lyndon...

    Mine is on Monday and I've taken the day off.

    I thought the idea of a night heater is to keep the ice outside? I have to admit to thinking that these night heaters aren't up to much which surprises me. I thought they would have been better considering the conditions. You must sleep with your clothes inside the quilt? Certainly wouldn't like to put them on when they are frozen...

    Keeps safe mate.

  2. Hey Buddy! I toldyou that 3045 has always had heating issues. My new truck keeps me at it's warmest even at bitter cold. I still say that truck needs a bigger heating system, i would never put up with that stuff. I would sternly ask to remove idle limitations!

  3. Hi Both

    Its not too bad and spring is just round the corner
