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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trucker Wisdom

1. Never do anything sudden in a truck.
2. Never feel lost in an unfamiliar city. You are. Get used to it.
3. Never drive into a situation you can't drive yourself out of.
4. A soft shoulder IS something to cry on, if you let your wheels drift onto it & get pulled over onto your side.
5. Signal early & often.
6. If in doubt, don't. Big trucks make big mistakes.
7. Don't hit stuff with your truck.
8. As much as you may really want to, do not drop golf balls out of your window when being tailgated by some fool with his high beams on.
9. There are 2 people in the world you can't get away with lying to, your mom and a State Trooper. They just know...

1 comment:

  1. nice report like your blog seems you like driving trucks me to hope to see you next year
    greetings Ron Hamers
