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Friday, January 18, 2008

Back to the plot

Someone needs a woolly hat

Three bored trucks just hangin' out

or, tie a mellow frieghtliner to the old oak tree

They do some wicked nachos there

Guess where this was?

Sod the doll museum, take me to the Corn Dog Palace

A Truck Stop

Okay back to the story.......................

Anybody remeber where we were?

Oh yes the Badlands...............

Big Truck informs me that the Badland arnt flat. Strange really coz the signs said i was there and also when i googled it, it looked like that was the right place, and yes what i saw was pretty flat, yellow and blue. The only explanation i can think of is that some parts of the Badlands are badder than others. I must have been in the "Quite nice but a little Flat, blue and yellow Lands" but that wouldnt fit on the sign so they thought "Sod it" who's going to notice.

Anyway i got through the "Quite nice but a little flat yellow and blue lands" and ended up in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, over nighted in the J then scooted south and dropped the trailer off so it could be unloaded, hung around for about 5 hours, went back to collect it and headed east to Des Moines to pick up a load of frozen pork ribs for Milton Ontario.

Got loaded quick enough but had to wait 4 hours for the meat inspector to turn up so he could put his little squiggle on the customs form and put the seal on the back doors.

Once this was done i ran for the border, stopping to give 3045 a drink at Gary, Indianna and grabbed a quick shower and some fried chicken. That done, it was a rapid drive up the side of the lake and crossed back into Canada at the Sarnia crossing.

The woman on the border was very, very rude. I know they have a job to do but at least they could be civil about it. Anyway she barked a load of the usual questions at me then slammed the door in my face.

Now 3045 must have taken exception to this and retaliated. Now i have set my night heater to always come on as soon as the engine is switched off, so while little Miss Happy knickers was shouting at me and giving me a hard time, 3045 (remember the smokey night heater) fired up the heater and was producing one hell of a lot of nasty smelling diesel smoke.

Anyway Little Miss Happy Knickers opened the door just as the wind changed and all the smoke blew right into her little orrifice (oops sorry i mean office).

She coughed, spluttered and glared all at the same time.

I thought "Oh shit, shes either going to shoot me or send me to jail".

All she could manage was "agh,what's that smell".

I smiled sweetly and said "Sorry 'bout that Ma'am Ive got a smokey heater".

To which she replied "Get that thing outta here !!"

So I did..................................


  1. south sioux city nebraska!!! the flying j in des moines is a dump and it's fair to say the one in davenport isn't much better. la salle illinios is ok though. I use loves mostly because i can spend the points in the store.and the coffee is 1000x better than the J BTW I live right off of x240 on the north side. If i wasn't in california i would have treated at the texas roadhouse.

  2. hi jim

    thought about ya as i drove through Iowa City but i couldnt get an internet connection to let people know where i was right passed X240, as a matter of fact they were just lifting a trailer out of a ditch there as i went passed and had the west bound half closed.

    Next time i'll try give a little more notice and if your in town we can do that roadhouse.

    Safe Journeys

