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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Underground cities - Fact or Fiction

How open is your mind

I have this thing about the radical or the unbelieveable, this is another interest of mine and i have read many articles on the subject. But what is the subject, i dont really know, are we talking about extra terrestrial races or intelligent life forms that share our world but have chosen to stay hidden.............................

I am definitely on the fence when it comes to the big question "are we alone in the universe", but i do research as much as i can.

One question really does bother me though, its not so much whether there are aliens on earth or whether UFO's really exist, but more worryingly.............................

"why is so much stigma attatched to UFO or alien sighting", why do people automatically laugh and mock people who have experiencies...............................

Why do governments give so much effort to denying any possiblity of extreterrestrial activity or denying that they research any sightings or encounters.

Surely if someone says they saw a weird phenomenon that was completely unexplaneable then surely someone somewhere should be asking the question "What if ??"

We should be looking into it not ridiculing the witnesses.

Anyway read on and make your own mind up............................................................


Rumors about underground towns appeared for the first time in 1946. The person to launch the rumors was Richard Shaver – writer, journalist and scientist. His incredible story about contacts with aliens living under the ground was published in Amazing Stories Magazine. Shaver said that he had spent several weeks living under the ground with demon-looking aliens, whose descriptions can be found in ancient legends and fairytales. Almost every nation has a tale of an ancient race, who settled in planet Earth long before humans appeared on it. Those underground creatures are described as inconceivably talented, brilliant and culturally educated – they do not want to have anything in common with humans.

One could refer to the story from the American writer as a fruit of his vivid imagination. However, hundreds of readers responded to the publication. They wrote that they had visited underground cities, talked to their residents and saw unimaginable technical inventions, which guaranteed a comfortable existence in the very depth of the planet. Furthermore, the technologies of underground aliens give them an opportunity to control the minds of humans.

The unbelievable story exerted an immense influence on scientists and gave an incentive to the study of paranormal activities.

English astronomer of the 17th century, Edmund Halley, writers Jules Verne, Edgar Allan Poe and some others wrote in their works that planet Earth is a hollow sphere. American authorities were preparing a special scientific mission in 18-19 centuries to explore the Earth's hollow depth.

The scientists of the Third Reich were very interested in the mysterious underground world too. A special top secret expedition was organized in 1942. German scientists also hoped to install new radar systems under the ground and draw closer to global reign. Unfortunately, the outcome of the intrigue is not known, but the hypothesis of the underground civilization developed further on during the second half of the 20th century.

In 1963, two American coal miners, David Fellin and Henry Throne, found a large door in a tunnel, behind which they discovered a marble stairway. In England, miners can hear the sounds of mechanical devices under the ground, as they dig a tunnel. An English miner said that they had also found a stairway to an underground well. The sound of machines became more distinct, and the workers fled in fear. When they returned to the tunnel, there were no stairs and no entrance to the well.

An American satellite took very interesting photographs at the end of the 1970s. The photographs were published in many Western scientific magazines: the pictures depicted a dark, regularly shaped spot on the North Pole. The photographs were not defective: similar pictures depicting the same dark spot on the pole were taken several years later.

Anthropologist James McKenna explored an ill-famed cave in the State of Idaho. McKenna and other members of the expedition could hear screams and moans, as they were moving hundreds meters deep into the cave. The researchers found human skeletons soon, but they had to stop their quest: the smell of brimstone was unbearable.

Geologists do not share the theory of the Earth's huge cavity, although they do not exclude a possibility of numerous large hollow spaces in planet's depths. Human life is hardly possible in those cavities: the temperature is too high and there is very little oxygen there. Some researchers believe that the underground civilization might be of an extraterrestrial origin. Aliens were probably tired of people's eternal wars and atrocities, and moved under the ground, from where they comfortably observed the development of the mankind. What if UFOs appear in the sky from under the ground, not from other galaxies? However, if planet Earth is hollow inside, someone should have found the gateway to the underground world long ago. A group of American scientists believes that underground cities exist on Earth in the fourth dimension. When the Earth's electromagnetic field changes from time to time, entrances to the tunnels open, and accidental “visitors” may see the underground cities and their inhabitants.

One of the theories says that many mysterious constructions, like the English Stonehendge for example, were built to designate entrances to underground cities. If there is a reasonable race living under the ground, it would be an explanation to a lot of inexplicable phenomena.


  1. Thought you had got stuck in the snow Lyndon or got taken to med center after drinkin gthe

    See you soon matey


  2. haha

    nah dont worry im not cracking up, its something ive been reading about for sometime now and its a fascinating subject.

    Trouble is there are so many crackpots and hoaxsters out there everything has o be taken with a pinch of salt.

    There is one guy who is ex CIA who was a geologist and used to explore and anlylise deep caverns (and i mean deep) on behalf of the government for use in building underground military bases.

    He fell out of favor with the government and went round the country giving seminars and basically blowing the whistle. One of his seminars is on You Tube.

    He comes out with some radical stuff including hostile encounters with greys and huge international governments cover ups.

    He reckons he was there at the confrontation with the greys and got wounded.

    It could be that he got fired and just wanted to cause trouble, or he wanted to make money from the seminars or it could be that he wanted his 15 minutes of fame.

    But it is fact that he worked for the government and he later died from cancer and it was connected to that burn wound in his chest.

    Thats just one part of it, it does acually all tie up with ancient myths and legends, a little to do with religion but also encompasses UFO sightings, alien abduction and a lot of other uneplained phenomenon.

    It might all be a bunch of crap but its interesting anyway.

    >8-) thats an alien by the way haha.

  3. Hey Lyndon,

    You started your post with "how open is your mind" I've got to say that mine is very closed and i try to keep it that way.

    Enjoy your days of bud

  4. hiya cuz good read mate i,d read the thing about hollow earth... bit over the top.... but is that why we test the nukes under ground.....? makes ya another story eh? as for phill S you was referring to... i agree with you..bit of a crank trying to get even..keep the rubber side down mate talk soon..! Rob

  5. Hi Wiebe

    I know where your coming from.

    The human race has evolved (or been engineered) to naturally be inquisitive, its why we study, ask questions and explore.

    Once people believed the world was flat - till it was proven otherwize.

    People believed the earth was the ceter of the universe till it was proven otherwize.

    It was recently believed that if you travelled more than 20 mph in a horseless carriage you would suffocate (or was it 30, i forget)

    Man and technology is progressing at an ever increasing rate. Power to the inventors, scientists and explorers, thats what i say.

    One day the answers will come.

    And we all might be more surprised than we think.

    You have a safe one out there buddy.


  6. Hey Rob, howzit goin

    Youve started me on something now aint ya 8-)

    The more you read into this the more lost you get and i agree most of the stuff out there is hoax or scam.

    Not really thought too much about the nukes but possibilities are endless, from warefare to mining to engineering magnetic fluctuation which may or not be the gateway into other dimensions.

    Or it may just be a way of testing without being detected or monitored by hostile forces.

    Remember that NASA footage we looked at when i was back in UK, the one where that UFO was tracking Columbia then there was a light which come up from the earths surface and chased the UFO away, ive looked at that about a dozen times, i would love to know where abouts on earth that was fired from ?????

    I wont say keep in touch buddy coz we never do, do we??? haha

    I remember the look on Caths face when she looked out of the window when we visited.

    It sort of said "What are you doing in England"

    Anyway, hope everyone okay back there.

    Speak soon.............

  7. As you've been brave enough to broach this controversial topic, allow me to add a few links to bolster your thesis and perhaps open a few minds to this government cover-up.

    Phil Schneider is probably the geologist/engineer you're probably referring to, and here is the 2nd of his 7 videos. Start HERE. also appears Schneider would have the support of many educated and intelligent people who've also had first-hand contact with "extra" or "intra" beings. See HERE.

    The question arises...what have these people to gain by coming forward in this manner??

    Also, here's another story of how a British man was traumatized as a young boy to become an adult agent for the NWO. To date, there are seven chapters of his story freely available on-line by clicking the box in the middle HERE. Click on his "photos".

    Incidentally, Casbolt's story is not unique as it happens to tens thousands of children around the world.

    Here's a series of 12 short videos (1994) of a "contactee" named Alex Collier. The first video takes about a minute before it begins. Start HERE.

    Two very brief videos of UFOs can be seen here and here.

  8. Thank you anon

    very interesting videos

  9. hello I did a lot of research on the ex CIA guy and he was actually killed at his home by off duty police men and he had a radio show where he talked about the UFO stuff and all the cover-ups by the U.S. his name was William Cooper I also am looking into past cultures and the UFO phenom in relation to the cultures and have found that most of them have documentation of Greys as well as a race of reptilians and the Sumerians in specific believe as common knowledge that we were bread and engineered by such a race of beings but I agree that there are too many twisted facts to know for sure the truth about these events and I guess until I have a direct experience I and others like me will always be left to speculate and theorize on the matter

    if you'd like to talk more on this email me

    peace kegan
