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Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Badlands (aint so bad)

Hello all

Today i drove thru the South Dakota Badlands and i am sorry to report its nothing like on Wacky Races.

I was expecting to see geeky birds (feathered kind) with long legs shouting "BEEP BEEP" and being chased around by knife and fork wielding coyotes wearing bibs with "Dinner" written on the front and ACME trucks everywhere.

There were no tunnels painted on the side of cliff walls and Dick Dastardly was no where to be seen. i checked the road at every bend for giant elastic bands connected to huge boulders fashioned into unconvincing traps.

But nothing....................

The ground was flat and yellow and the sky was flat and blue.

Oh well another childhood myth dispelled. They will be telling me there's no easter bunny next.


  1. Hey Lyndon. Talk about shattered my dreams, no Roadrunner! Surely you must have got it wrong, did you see Penelope Pitstop and was she being chatted up by that Peter Perfect. Next you'll be saying there is no Motor Mouse!

    Watched the vids of your cab, it does seem strange to hear a guy with a West Mids accent doing the guided tour of an American truck.

    Keep going with the blog, and keep safe. Cheers from Cockney bloke living in Ireland.

  2. no roadrunner?!?!?next you'll tell me theres no santa claus.

  3. You weren't in the Badlands if it was "flat and yellow"!!!!!
    You will know when you are really in the Badlands because you will think you are driving on the Moon,I kid you not!!!!
