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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Trouble at Portal

Houston we have a problem..............................

"Pushed the envelope" legally of course tut tut, to deliver the load at VersaCold in Calgary, switched the empty for a full 'un and headed out of Cow-Town and down to Regina (funny but i've never heared a slang name for that place, good job they dont have rhyming slang over here LOL)

Got some sleep then headed down for the border, crossed into the States okay but then got down to Meat Inspection and guess what?

It was closed !!!

Now im not sure if i was meant to have an appointment but the end result is the same and it looks like im sat here like a lemon till 08:00 Monday morning which means the load is going to be late. Also on a personal note i cant move for 48 hours which means i earn diddly squat.

I had better get a 48hr layover for this or i wont be happy, ill keep ya posted.


  1. hi lyndon,great blogging as usual,just wondering if you have been on camstreams website with thier live streaming,some good truckin ones,was wondering if u thought of giving it a whirl.....keep up the great work

  2. Hi Jako

    Not looked at that one yet but i will, im always looking for new ideas.

    Stay Safe


  3. G'day lyndon, are u still sittin? Man that sucks. Just wondering, why wouldn't they have got u to cross at coutts? Isn't it open for longer? And if u cut across by hwy 2 @ shelby it's probably hardly any further...Have fun in the big metropolis of portal :(

  4. lyndon, I love the idea of using google maps to show where you are. Would you mind if I copied your idea and added it to my blog? If thats ok how do you do it?

  5. Hi Dave

    Go onto Google maps, create your own map, then near top right it says link to this page. When the new box comes up use the customize feature (220x220 fits well) and there is also a preview box. Play with the preview box till you get the picture you want then scroll down and copy the code to clip board.

    In blogger go intp layout and select the java box and paste it in.

    Job done.

    By the way thank you for asking, i think thats the first time someones ever asked me before copying my ideas. I know its all public domain but its nice to be asked.

    A quick menion on your blog as to where you got the idea from would be really appreciated too if you could.

    Safe Journeys Lyndon

  6. Thanks Lyndon, I will mention you and put on a link to your excellent blog. Have a look at mine but I am a novice and amateur compared to you!!!!
    Any comments and ideas welcome.
