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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Got to concentrate

Got to concentrate, i have to turn right soon and i dont want to miss it


  1. Good update as usual!

    Is the Sirius radio better/same/different to a XM Signal radio? Looking on www the XM seems to have nearly twice as many channels!

  2. I know nothing about XM and only slightly more about Sirius.

    I bought the Sirius, activated it and listen to it. There are about 10 channels listen to.

    I looked on the XM website and it looks the same just slightly different channels, summoning all my limited knowledge i would say its six of one and half a dozen of the other.

    Sirius does have Radio 1 though.

  3. [quote]Sirus has Radio 1 though.[/quote]

    Ok, I'm sold!!
